Let’s take a look at some code examples.
Matrix Operations¶
Making use of SystemDS, let us multiply an Matrix with an scalar:
# Import SystemDSContext
from systemds.context import SystemDSContext
# Create a context and if necessary (no SystemDS py4j instance running)
# it starts a subprocess which does the execution in SystemDS
with SystemDSContext() as sds:
# Full generates a matrix completely filled with one number.
# Generate a 5x10 matrix filled with 4.2
m = sds.full((5, 10), 4.20)
# multiply with scalar. Nothing is executed yet!
m_res = m * 3.1
# Do the calculation in SystemDS by calling compute().
# The returned value is an numpy array that can be directly printed.
# context will automatically be closed and process stopped
As output we get:
[[ 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02]
[ 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02]
[ 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02]
[ 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02]
[ 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02 13.02]]
The Python SystemDS package is compatible with numpy arrays. Let us do a quick element-wise matrix multiplication of numpy arrays with SystemDS. Remember to first start up a new terminal:
import numpy as np # import numpy
# Import SystemDSContext
from systemds.context import SystemDSContext
from systemds.matrix import Matrix
# create a random array
m1 = np.array(np.random.randint(100, size=5 * 5) + 1.01, dtype=np.double)
m1.shape = (5, 5)
# create another random array
m2 = np.array(np.random.randint(5, size=5 * 5) + 1, dtype=np.double)
m2.shape = (5, 5)
# Create a context
with SystemDSContext() as sds:
# element-wise matrix multiplication, note that nothing is executed yet!
m_res = Matrix(sds, m1) * Matrix(sds, m2)
# lets do the actual computation in SystemDS! The result is an numpy array
m_res_np = m_res.compute()
More complex operations¶
SystemDS provides algorithm level functions as built-in functions to simplify development. One example of this is l2SVM, a high level functions for Data-Scientists. Let’s take a look at l2svm:
# Import numpy and SystemDS matrix
import numpy as np
from systemds.context import SystemDSContext
from systemds.matrix import Matrix
from systemds.operator.algorithm import l2svm
# Set a seed
# Generate random features and labels in numpy
# This can easily be exchanged with a data set.
features = np.array(np.random.randint(100, size=10 * 10) + 1.01, dtype=np.double)
features.shape = (10, 10)
labels = np.zeros((10, 1))
# l2svm labels can only be 0 or 1
for i in range(10):
if np.random.random() > 0.5:
labels[i][0] = 1
# compute our model
with SystemDSContext() as sds:
model = l2svm(Matrix(sds, features), Matrix(sds, labels)).compute()
The output should be similar to:
[[ 0.02033445]
[ 0.0014692 ]
[ 0.02649209]
[-0.0095087 ]
[ 0.01039221]
[-0.0011352 ]